Error running Powershell script from c# -

i have ps1 script runs fine when executed powershell. creates user in office365:

param(   [string]$adminuser,   [string]$password,   [string]$adminsite,   [string]$userdisplayname,   [string]$userfirstname,   [string]$userlastname,   [string]$userprincipalname,   [string]$userlicense,   [string]$useroffice,   [string]$userdepartment ) try {     [system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("microsoft.sharepoint.client")     [system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("microsoft.sharepoint.client.runtime")      $executionpolicy = get-executionpolicy     set-executionpolicy remotesigned      $secpasswd = convertto-securestring $password -asplaintext -force     $credential = new-object$adminuser,$secpasswd)      connect-msolservice -credential $credential     #write-host "conected msolservice ..." -foregroundcolor green      connect-sposervice -url $adminsite -credential $credential # here fail when running .net     #write-host "conected sp online ..." -foregroundcolor green      $user = new-msoluser -firstname $userfirstname -lastname $userlastname -userprincipalname $userprincipalname -displayname $userdisplayname -licenseassignment $userlicenseassignment -office $useroffice -department $userdepartment -usagelocation es }catch [exception] {     #write-host "an exception ocurred. proccess uncompleted" -foregroundcolor red     #write-host $_.exception.message -foregroundcolor red     set-executionpolicy $executionpolicy     return $false }  set-executionpolicy $executionpolicy     return $user 

it works. however, have c# program executes script in way:

private collection<psobject> runpsscriptfromfile(string psscriptpath, dictionary<string, object> parameters) {   if (!file.exists(psscriptpath)) {     throw new filenotfoundexception("file not found.", psscriptpath);   }    collection<psobject> returnobjects = null;    using (runspace runspace = runspacefactory.createrunspace()) {;     runspaceinvoke runspaceinvoker = new runspaceinvoke(runspace);     pipeline pipeline = runspace.createpipeline();      command cmd = new command(psscriptpath, false);     if (parameters != null && parameters.count > 0) {       foreach (keyvaluepair<string, object> p in parameters) {         commandparameter cp = new commandparameter(p.key, p.value);         cmd.parameters.add(cp);       }     }      pipeline.commands.add(cmd);     returnobjects = pipeline.invoke();   }    return returnobjects; } 

this program works fine others scripts, one, following error (at line i've marked in script):

the 'connect-sposervice' command found in module '', module not loaded. more information, run 'import-module'.

i found question this, without answer: error running ps1 c# code (office 365)

i've modified c# code:

pipeline.commands.add(cmd); returnobjects = pipeline.invoke(); var error = pipeline.error.readtoend(); // new line 

the "error" var contains following:

the current processor architecture x86. 'c:\program files\sharepoint online management shell\\' module requires amd64 architecture.

i've located file , i've changed line

# processor architecture (none, x86, amd64, ia64) required module processorarchitecture = 'amd64' 

for one:

# processor architecture (none, x86, amd64, ia64) required module processorarchitecture = 'x86' 

i don't know if it's solution, it's works. keep looking. suggestion wellcome.


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