jsp - how to access webpage hosted on tomcat server from the android mobile -
i have designed webpage , run on browser using tomcat server http://localhost:8084/neclogin/main.jsp
i accessed android emulator works well.
works well.
but when tried on real device (connected pc via hotspot) http://192.xxx.xxx.xxx:8084/neclogin/web/main.jsp
it shows on browser htttp 404 error - description :requested resource unavailable
i confused whether android mobile unable connect localhost or can't trace path of main.jsp
for more detail
1)windows 7 2)netbeans ide apache tomcat server 8.03 3)**both connected via wifi hotspot on mobile** 4)path main.jsp `c:\users\dell\documents\netbeansprojects\neclogin\web\main.jsp` 5)path tomcat server installed `c:\program files\apache software foundation\apache tomcat 8.0.3`
i have disabled windows , antivirus firewall
first try access http://192.xxx.xxx.xxx:8084/neclogin/web/main.jsp
pc see if ip correct.
a) if works , can access it, indeed there problem external access , problem somewhere in firewall settings or alike. potentially doesn't let traffic through 'non-standard' ports (80,433 etc)
b) if can't access on pc either using got ip wrong. try running ipconfig
command line , see if ip listed there works. ipconfig
return bunch of different ips need 1 starts 192 labeled ipv4 or something that.
it's worth checking 404 message looks like. if it's tomcat's 404 page you're there can access tomcat not using correct path.
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