css - Sass 3.3.7 - dynamically create list of icons -

i have list of icon class names like


i want loop through list (100 icons in total) , define class each each icon's background-position-y property 25px less previous icon value

.auth-single-multi { background-position:0 0;} .auth-batch { background-position:0 -25px;} .auth-file  { background-position:0 -50px;} .auth-imp-file  { background-position:0 -75px;} ... ... ... 

i'm using latest version of sass keen use new features such maps.

any suggestions on best way approach welcome.

$list : single-multi batch file imp-file man-fund-tran;  @mixin gen($selector, $postfix-list, $property-name, $delta) {       $i : 0;       @each $postfix in $postfix-list {         #{$selector + $postfix}{              #{$property-name} : $i;         }          $i : $i -  $delta;       }  }  @include gen(".auth-px-", $list, 'background-position-left', 25px);   @include gen(".auth-percentage-",  $list, 'background-position-top', 50%); 


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