cocoa - Within CALayer, drawInContext: is called but does not update screen -
i trying draw custom calayer added sublayer elsewhere. custom calayer class has 1 variable:
float xscale = 0.5f;
and overrides drawincontext:
-(void) drawincontext:(cgcontextref)ctx { nslog(@"method called xscale %f", xscale); cgcontextsetfillcolorwithcolor(ctx, [nscolor redcolor].cgcolor); cgcontextaddrect(ctx, cgrectmake(100 * xscale, 100, 50, 50)); cgcontextfillpath(ctx); }
to draw red square on screen. when class initialised in nsview elsewhere with:
heartlayer = [[heartcalayer alloc] init]; heartlayer.frame = cgrectmake(0, 0, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height); [self.layer addsublayer:heartlayer]; [heartlayer setneedsdisplay];
the square drawn in correct place. when ask layer redraw with
heartlayer.xscale = 1.0f; [heartlayer setneedsdisplay];
the drawincontext:
method called, , xscale
variable updated, square doesn't change it's location. don't know why screen not updating. calayer being added sublayer? graphics context invalid somehow? related implicit animation of calayers? i've searched everywhere , @ wits end :(
thanks, kenneth
sorry answer own question: perhaps you'll waste less time me:
the problem implicit animation of calayer class. discussed in thread.
i added following override method custom calayer class:
- (id<caaction>)actionforlayer:(calayer *)layer forkey:(nsstring *)key { return (id)[nsnull null]; }
and square updated correctly.
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