ios - Adjust font size of NSMutableAttributedString proportional to UILabel's frame height -

in project, using swift 3.0. right using following class (uilabel subclass) adjust font size based on uilabel frame height. when uilabel frame change occurs, layoutsubviews recalculates proportional font size.

class label: uilabel {      // fixme: - properties     var fontsize: cgfloat = 0     var frameheight: cgfloat = 0      // fixme: - proportional font size adjustment     override func layoutsubviews() {         super.layoutsubviews()         font = font.withsize(frame.size.height * (fontsize / frameheight))     } } 

how use:

private let id: label = {         let label = label()         label.textalignment = .left         label.numberoflines = 1         label.font = uifont.systemfont(ofsize: 17, weight: .semibold)         label.textcolor = uicolor(hex: 0x212121, alpha: 1)         label.fontsize = 17         label.frameheight = 20         label.clipstobounds = true         return label     }() 

now want show part of string in uilabel bold text , remaining in regular text. have found on thread: making text bold using attributed string in swift

i using "prajeet shrestha's" extension nsmutableattributedstring.

// "prajeet shrestha's" extension extension nsmutableattributedstring {     func bold(_ text:string) -> nsmutableattributedstring {         let attrs:[string:anyobject] = [nsfontattributename : uifont(name: "avenirnext-medium", size: 12)!]         let boldstring = nsmutableattributedstring(string:"\(text)", attributes:attrs)         self.append(boldstring)         return self     }      func normal(_ text:string)->nsmutableattributedstring {         let normal =  nsattributedstring(string: text)         self.append(normal)         return self     } } 

but not getting how can change font size of nsmutableattributedstring, when uilabel frame change occurs?

any appeciated.

try using label property adjustsfontsizetofitwidth , minimumscalefactor this:

label.adjustsfontsizetofitwidth = true label.minimumscalefactor = 0.2 

then need increase number of lines number instead of 10

label.numberoflines = 10 


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