c++ - Locking a drive with FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME -
i'm having trouble locking c drive can extract file information later.
#define wszdrive l"\\\\.\\physicaldrive0" handle targetvol = invalid_handle_value; dword stats; targetvol = createfile(wszdrive, 0, file_share_read | file_share_write, null, open_existing, /*file_flag_no_buffering | file_flag_random_access*/0, null); if (targetvol == invalid_handle_value) // cannot open drive { cout << "error in iocontrol volume handler" << endl; system("pause"); } if (deviceiocontrol(targetvol, fsctl_lock_volume, null, 0, null, 0, &stats, null) ==0) { cout << "error targetvol deviceio" << endl; errorexit(text("getprocessid")); system("pause"); }
the error exit below returns "getprocessid faile error 1: incorrect function."
void errorexit(lptstr lpszfunction) { // retrieve system error message last-error code lpvoid lpmsgbuf; lpvoid lpdisplaybuf; dword dw = getlasterror(); formatmessage( format_message_allocate_buffer | format_message_from_system | format_message_ignore_inserts, null, dw, makelangid(lang_neutral, sublang_default), (lptstr)&lpmsgbuf, 0, null); // display error message , exit process lpdisplaybuf = (lpvoid)localalloc(lmem_zeroinit, (lstrlen((lpctstr)lpmsgbuf) + lstrlen((lpctstr)lpszfunction) + 40) * sizeof(tchar)); stringcchprintf((lptstr)lpdisplaybuf, localsize(lpdisplaybuf) / sizeof(tchar), text("%s failed error %d: %s"), lpszfunction, dw, lpmsgbuf); messagebox(null, (lpctstr)lpdisplaybuf, text("error"), mb_ok); localfree(lpmsgbuf); localfree(lpdisplaybuf); exitprocess(dw); }
do guys have idea what's going on wrong?
the msdn docs fsctl_lock_volume right off bat that
locks volume if not in use
the c: drive always in use. time it's not in use if you've booted different media.
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