Action Bar's Title Text Size in Android -

do of know how text size in action bar's title

i know can actionbar in android using code

actionbar ab = getactionbar(); 

and can change title of actionbar using code

ab.settitle("this title"); 

note : dont want change textsize in actionbar's title , can manipulating xml , using custom action bar. want know textsize of actionbar's title

i assumed actionbar use textview inside title

and want know if of know how textview actionbar's title

or @ least, know how textview's textsize actionbar's title

big @shayan pourvatan

this code me

int actionbartitleid = resources.getsystem().getidentifier("action_bar_title", "id", "android"); if (actionbartitleid > 0) {     textview title = (textview) findviewbyid(actionbartitleid);     if (title != null) {         //pretty can after got textview     } } 


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