Set winner after turn based game Google API Android -
i'm creating turn based game on android platform using api provided google. @ end of latest turn (in case third one), i'd set winner have not found api permits this. naturally have data @ end of game set it.
i've not read in documentation - feature exist or should handle myself?
string playerid = games.players.getcurrentplayerid(getapiclient()); string myoponentid = mmatch.getparticipantid(playerid); opponentresult = new participantresult(myoponentid, participantresult.match_result_win, 1); creatorresult = new participantresult(playerid, participantresult.match_result_loss, 2); games.turnbasedmultiplayer.finishmatch(getapiclient(), mmatch.getmatchid(),mmatch.getdata(), creatorresult,opponentresult ) .setresultcallback(new resultcallback<turnbasedmultiplayer.updatematchresult>() { @override public void onresult(turnbasedmultiplayer.updatematchresult result) { processresult(result); } });
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