c# - Fetch Outlook Calander Mails -
in inbox there calendar mail(meeting request calendar).when application fetching mail of calendar mail inbox throwing following error
unable cast com object of type 'system.__comobject' interface type 'microsoft.office.interop.outlook.mailitem'. operation failed because queryinterface call on com component interface iid '{00063034-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}' failed due following error: no such interface supported (exception hresult: 0x80004002 (e_nointerface)).
public void getoutlookemails() { oapp = new outlook.application(); ons = oapp.getnamespace("mapi"); foreach (outlook.mapifolder folder in ons.folders) { getfolders(folder); } } public void getfolders(outlook.mapifolder folder) { if (folder.folders.count == 0) { try { if (folder.defaultitemtype == outlook.olitemtype.olmailitem) { if (folder.name == "inbox") { oemailsfolder = ons.getdefaultfolder(outlook.oldefaultfolders.olfolderinbox); outlook.items inboxitems = oemailsfolder.items; if (inboxitems.count > 0) { foreach (outlook.mailitem mail in inboxitems)///when compiler comes here not create mail object , throws error...because email contains calander reminder gues need check if olcalander event or somthing else resolves error { if (mail != null) { here retreiving concerning data emails///no issue here } } } } } catch (exception ex) { throw ex; } } else { foreach (outlook.mapifolder subfolder in folder.folders) { getfolders(subfolder); } } }
the item casting may of different type - contactitem, appointmentitem, meetingitem, taskitem. check type , cast , use it.
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