Priority value in reactive() like in observe() (R Shiny) -

how set priority in reactive() calculations performed in shiny? example, there priority option in observe(), quoting file

priority     integer or numeric controls priority observer  should executed. observer given priority level execute sooner observers lower priority level. positive, negative,  , 0 values allowed. 

i wish apply having shiny dashboard display summary statistics before writing these statistics logging database, here example

in server.r retrieve data every hour

observe({     invalidatelater(3600000,session)     con <- dbconnect(postgresql(), ...)      values$data = dbgetquery(con, "select * table;") })  output$text = rendertext({     temp = values$data     print(paste("the mean is", mean(temp))) })  observe({     temp = values$data     dbwritetable(con, paste0("insert table_means values (", (mean(temp),");" )) }) 

and in ui.r print mean of data.

i wish rendering in ui occur before writing values sql database

here related questions:

r shiny observe running before loading of ui , causes null parameters

i may have found answer in question: r shiny passing reactive selectinput choices

**using outputoptions 1 can following (pasted file):

## not run: # list of options observers within output outputoptions(output)  # disable suspend output$myplot outputoptions(output, "myplot", suspendwhenhidden = false)  # change priority output$myplot outputoptions(output, "myplot", priority = 10)  # list of options output$myplot outputoptions(output, "myplot") ## end(not run) 

so allows set priority of output items, still doesn't tell me how these priorities relative observe() priority.


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