python 2.7 - Read Euromillions Results url with Pandas read_csv ends up in MultiIndex -

the national lottery in uk publish results at:

the data looks formed csv table , first 3 rows appear as:

drawdate,ball 1,ball 2,ball 3,ball 4,ball 5,lucky star 1,lucky star 2,raffle,drawnumber 30-may-2014,27,41,24,45,5,7,6,hhr574198 ,698 27-may-2014,16,13,26,25,7,1,6,ghg710456 ,697 23-may-2014,31,3,47,8,34,11,9,fgx880402 ,696 

when try load csv directly pandas, large multi-index , hoping have dataframe? idea arguments need focus on?

import pandas pd url = '' test = pd.read_csv(url) 

there blank line first line, skip , loads fine:

in [6]:  import pandas pd url = '' test = pd.read_csv(url, skiprows=1) test out[6]:        drawdate  ball 1  ball 2  ball 3  ball 4  ball 5  lucky star 1  \ 0   30-may-2014      27      41      24      45       5             7    1   27-may-2014      16      13      26      25       7             1    2   23-may-2014      31       3      47       8      34            11    .... # lines trimmed brevity 48         650   49         649   50         648    [51 rows x 10 columns] 


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