validation - Creating better error messages in the View for Rails -

i experimenting simple people/new page practice showing error messages. right now, below set-up, error messages display okay little awkward because text says "firstname can't blank", "lastname can't blank" , forth. want text "first name can't blank" , "last name can't blank" (with spaces), i'm assuming error messages following attribute names defined in model, , there's no way change explicitly.

so how can change that? can not achieve change without making changes particular partial? (shared_error_messages)

thanks, screenshot of new view below. enter image description here


class peoplecontroller < applicationcontroller  def new     @person =     @people = person.all end  def create     @person =     if         redirect_to new_person_path     else         render 'new'     end  end      private       def person_params         params.require(:person).permit(:firstname, :lastname, :age)       end  end 


class person < activerecord::base     validates :firstname, presence: true, length: {maximum: 15}, format: { with: /\a[a-za-z]+\z/,     message: "only allows letters" }     validates :lastname, presence: true, length: {maximum: 15}, format: { with: /\a[a-za-z]+\z/,     message: "only allows letters" }     validates :age, presence: true, length: {maximum: 3} end 


enter information <hr>  <%= form_for @person |f| %>   <%= render 'shared/error_messages', object: f.object %>   first name: <%= f.text_field :firstname %><br>   last name: <%= f.text_field :lastname %><br>   age: <%= f.number_field :age %><br>   <%= f.submit "see life clock" %> <% end %> 


<% if object.errors.any? %> <div id="error_explain">   <h2><%= pluralize(object.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited being saved db</h2>   <ul>   <% object.errors.full_messages.each |msg| %>     <li><%= msg %></li>   <% end %>   </ul> </div> <% end %> 

assuming you're using rails 3.2 or later, "best" way localization. edit en.yml file , add this:

en:    activerecord:       attributes:          person:             firstname: "first name"             lastname: "last name" 

the error reporting system human-friendly names attributes localization file. thie may seem heavy-handed, in opinion best way because these names accessible anywhere, centralized, , easy maintain.

if need friendly name in own code, (for example, in label on edit form or column header in list table) can access this:


now if change en.yml, change reflect throughout site. , should ever need localize language, you're on right track already.

if you, can change validations have complete sentences messages, , change _error_messages partial this:

<% if object.errors.any? %>    <div id="error_explain">      <h2><%= pluralize(object.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited being saved db</h2>      <ul>      <% object.errors.each |attr, msg| %>        <li><%= msg %></li>      <% end %>      </ul>    </div> <% end %> 


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