magento2 - Filter & get attribute option id & value from product collection -

i have created 4 attributes make, model, variant, year. 4 attributes have unique option_id & value.

in ajax have pass option_id make. need option_id & value model if option_id make exists.

almost have done part, 1 or more values not getting correctly (i.e) gives empty value , have check in back-end shows values.

please check below code.

public function execute() {            //$make = $this->getrequest()->getparam('make');     $pro = $this->getrequest()->getparam('pro');     $optiontext = $this->getrequest()->getparam('txt');     $category = $this->_categoryfactory->create()->load($pro);           //$attributeid = $this->_eavattribute->getidbycode('catalog_product', 'model');     $attribute = $this->eavconfig->getattribute('catalog_product', 'make');     if ($attribute->usessource()) {         $option_id = $attribute->getsource()->getoptionid($optiontext);     }                    $collection = $this->_productcollectionfactory->create()                        ->addattributetoselect(array('make','model','variant','year'))                        ->addcategoryfilter($category)                        ->addfieldtofilter('model', array('neq' => 'null' ))                        ->addattributetofilter('make', array('in' => $option_id))                                                   ->addstorefilter(0);      $_objectmanager = \magento\framework\app\objectmanager::getinstance();     $resource = $_objectmanager->get('magento\framework\app\resourceconnection');     $list2 = array();                   foreach ($collection $key => $value) {                    $list = $value->getdata();                                   $listmo = $list['model'];         $list2[] = $listmo;                              }     if ($list2 != '' && $list2 != null) {            $filtermodel = array_unique($list2);             $res_arr_values = array();     foreach ($filtermodel $key => $value1) {         $fmod = $value1;         $query = "select `option_id`,`value` `pro_eav_attribute_option_value` `option_id` in ($fmod) ,  `store_id`=1 ";         $connection = $resource->getconnection();         $result = $connection->fetchall($query);         foreach ($result $key => $value2) {             $fres = $value2;             $res_arr_values[] = $fres;                                                   }                    }            //$filteryear = array_unique($list4);             $resultjson = $this->_resultjsonfactory->create();     return $resultjson->setdata($res_arr_values);     //return $this->_pagefactory->create();     }   else {     $opt_er = 'error';     $opt_id = array($option_id, $opt_er);                    $resultjson = $this->_resultjsonfactory->create();     return $resultjson->setdata($opt_id);   }       } 


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