php - Dropbox API Redirection Loop -
i using php sdk provided dropbox core api. have minor bug... file being redirected time click on allow button... below index file:
<?php session_start(); ini_set("display_errors",1); require_once __dir__.'/dropbox-sdk/dropbox/strict.php'; $appinfofile = __dir__."/appinfo.json"; // note: should using composer's global autoloader. these examples // work people don't have composer, we'll use library's "autoload.php". require_once __dir__.'/dropbox-sdk/dropbox/autoload.php'; use \dropbox dbx; $requestpath = init(); echo "request path = ".$requestpath."<br>"; if ($requestpath === "/") { $dbxclient = getclient(); if ($dbxclient === false) { echo "path: ".getpath("dropbox-auth-start")."<br>";die; header("location: ".getpath("dropbox-auth-start")); exit; } $path = "/";//debug completed if (isset($_get['path'])) $path = $_get['path']; $entry = $dbxclient->getmetadatawithchildren($path); echo "client<pre>"; print_r($dbxclient); echo "</pre>"; echo "entry".$entry;die; if ($entry['is_dir']) { echo renderfolder($entry); } else { echo renderfile($entry); } } else if ($requestpath == "/download") { //die("download"); $dbxclient = getclient(); if ($dbxclient === false) { header("location: ".getpath("dropbox-auth-start")); exit; } if (!isset($_get['path'])) { header("location: ".getpath("")); exit; } $path = $_get['path']; $fd = tmpfile(); $metadata = $dbxclient->getfile($path, $fd); header("content-type: $metadata[mime_type]"); fseek($fd, 0); fpassthru($fd); fclose($fd); } else if ($requestpath === "/upload") { //die("upload"); if (empty($_files['file']['name'])) { echo renderhtmlpage("error", "please choose file upload"); exit; } if (!empty($_files['file']['error'])) { echo renderhtmlpage("error", "error ".$_files['file']['error']." uploading file. see <a href=''>the docs</a> details"); exit; } $dbxclient = getclient(); $remotedir = "/"; if (isset($_post['folder'])) $remotedir = $_post['folder']; $remotepath = rtrim($remotedir, "/")."/".$_files['file']['name']; $fp = fopen($_files['file']['tmp_name'], "rb"); $result = $dbxclient->uploadfile($remotepath, dbx\writemode::add(), $fp); fclose($fp); $str = print_r($result, true); echo renderhtmlpage("uploading file", "result: <pre>$str</pre>"); } else if ($requestpath === "/dropbox-auth-start") { //die("dropbox-auth-start"); $authorizeurl = getwebauth()->start(); header("location: $authorizeurl"); } else if ($requestpath === "/dropbox-auth-finish") { //die("dropbox-auth-finish"); try { list($accesstoken, $userid, $urlstate) = getwebauth()->finish($_get); // didn't pass in $urlstate finish, , we're assuming session can't // tampered with, should null. assert($urlstate === null); } catch (dbx\webauthexception_badrequest $ex) { respondwitherror(400, "bad request"); // write full details server error log. // important: never show $ex->getmessage() string user -- contain // sensitive information. error_log("/dropbox-auth-finish: bad request: " . $ex->getmessage()); exit; } catch (dbx\webauthexception_badstate $ex) { // auth session expired. restart auth process. header("location: ".getpath("dropbox-auth-start")); exit; } catch (dbx\webauthexception_csrf $ex) { respondwitherror(403, "unauthorized", "csrf mismatch"); // write full details server error log. // important: never show $ex->getmessage() string user -- contains // sensitive information used bypass csrf check. error_log("/dropbox-auth-finish: csrf mismatch: " . $ex->getmessage()); exit; } catch (dbx\webauthexception_notapproved $ex) { echo renderhtmlpage("not authorized?", "why not?"); exit; } catch (dbx\webauthexception_provider $ex) { error_log("/dropbox-auth-finish: unknown error: " . $ex->getmessage()); respondwitherror(500, "internal server error"); exit; } catch (dbx\exception $ex) { error_log("/dropbox-auth-finish: error communicating dropbox api: " . $ex->getmessage()); respondwitherror(500, "internal server error"); exit; } // note: real web app store access token in database. $_session['access-token'] = $accesstoken; echo renderhtmlpage("authorized!", "auth complete, <a href='".htmlspecialchars(getpath(""))."'>click here</a> browse."); } else if ($requestpath === "/dropbox-auth-unlink") { //die("dropbox-auth-unlink"); // "forget" access token. unset($_session['access-token']); echo renderhtmlpage("unlinked.", "go <a href='".htmlspecialchars(getpath(""))."'>home</a>."); } else { //die("else part"); echo renderhtmlpage("bad url", "no handler $requestpath"); exit; } function renderfolder($entry) { // todo: add token counter csrf attacks. $upload_path = htmlspecialchars(getpath('upload')); $path = htmlspecialchars($entry['path']); $form = <<<html <form action='$upload_path' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'> <label for='file'>upload file:</label> <input name='file' type='file'/> <input type='submit' value='upload'/> <input name='folder' type='hidden' value='$path'/> </form> html; $listing = ''; foreach($entry['contents'] $child) { $cp = $child['path']; $cn = basename($cp); if ($child['is_dir']) $cn .= '/'; $cp = htmlspecialchars($cp); $link = getpath("?path=".htmlspecialchars($cp)); $listing .= "<div><a style='text-decoration: none' href='$link'>$cn</a></div>"; } return renderhtmlpage("folder: $entry[path]", $form.$listing); } function getappconfig() { global $appinfofile; try { $appinfo = dbx\appinfo::loadfromjsonfile($appinfofile); } catch (dbx\appinfoloadexception $ex) { throw new exception("unable load \"$appinfofile\": " . $ex->getmessage()); } $clientidentifier = "examples-web-file-browser"; $userlocale = null; return array($appinfo, $clientidentifier, $userlocale); } function getclient() { if(!isset($_session['access-token'])) { return false; } list($appinfo, $clientidentifier, $userlocale) = getappconfig(); $accesstoken = $_session['access-token']; return new dbx\client($accesstoken, $clientidentifier, $userlocale, $appinfo->gethost()); } function getwebauth() { list($appinfo, $clientidentifier, $userlocale) = getappconfig(); $redirecturi = "http://localhost/myapi/dropbox/";//success.php";//geturl("dropbox-auth-finish"); $csrftokenstore = new dbx\arrayentrystore($_session, 'dropbox-auth-csrf-token'); return new dbx\webauth($appinfo, $clientidentifier, $redirecturi, $csrftokenstore, $userlocale); } function renderfile($entry) { $metadatastr = htmlspecialchars(print_r($entry, true)); $downloadpath = getpath("download?path=".htmlspecialchars($entry['path'])); $body = <<<html <pre>$metadatastr</pre> <a href="$downloadpath">download file</a> html; return renderhtmlpage("file: ".$entry['path'], $body); } function renderhtmlpage($title, $body) { return <<<html <html> <head> <title>$title</title> </head> <body> <h1>$title</h1> $body </body> </html> html; } function respondwitherror($code, $title, $body = "") { $proto = $_server['server_protocol']; header("$proto $code $title", true, $code); echo renderhtmlpage($title, $body); } function geturl($relative_path) { if (isset($_server['https']) && $_server['https'] !== 'off') { $scheme = "https"; } else { $scheme = "http"; } $host = $_server['http_host']; $path = getpath($relative_path); return $scheme."://".$host.$path; } function getpath($relative_path) { if (php_sapi === 'cli-server') { return "/".$relative_path; } else { echo "server values:<pre>"; print_r($_server); echo "</pre>"; return $_server["script_name"]."/".$relative_path; } } function init() { global $argv; // if run command-line script, launch php built-in web server. if (php_sapi === 'cli') { launchbuiltinwebserver($argv); assert(false); } if (php_sapi === 'cli-server') { // when we're running under php's built-in web server, routing here. return $_server['script_name']; } else { // when we're running under cgi or mod_php. if (isset($_server['path_info'])) { return $_server['path_info']; } else { return "/"; } } } function launchbuiltinwebserver($argv) { // built-in web server available in php 5.4+. if (version_compare(php_version, '5.4.0', '<')) { fprintf(stderr, "unable run example. version of php used run script (".php_version.")\n". "doesn't have built-in web server. need php 5.4 or newer.\n". "\n". "you can still run example if have web server supports php 5.3.\n". "copy dropbox php sdk web server's document path , access there.\n"); exit(2); } $php_file = $argv[0]; if (count($argv) === 1) { $port = 5000; } else if (count($argv) === 2) { $port = intval($argv[1]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "too many arguments.\n". "usage: php $argv[0] [server-port]\n"); exit(1); } $host = "localhost:$port"; $cmd = escapeshellarg(php_binary)." -s ".$host." ".escapeshellarg($php_file); $descriptors = array( 0 => array("pipe", "r"), // process' stdin. we'll close right away. 1 => stdout, // relay process' stdout ours. 2 => stderr, // relay process' stderr ours. ); $proc = proc_open($cmd, $descriptors, $pipes); if ($proc === false) { fprintf(stderr, "unable launch php's built-in web server. used command:\n". " $cmd\n"); exit(2); } fclose($pipes[0]); // close process' stdin. $exitcode = proc_close($proc); // wait process exit. exit($exitcode); } ?>
fyi: in dropbox app have set redirect uri : "localhost/myapi/dropbox/"... going loop... can 1 solve this? thought change redirect uri success.php there other way solve this?
i pasting success.php file:
<?php session_start(); ini_set("display_errors",1); # include dropbox sdk libraries require_once "dropbox-sdk/dropbox/autoload.php"; use \dropbox dbx; $dbxclient = new dbx\client($_session['access-token'], "php-picpixa/1.0");//this line giving error $accountinfo = $dbxclient->getaccountinfo(); echo "account info:<pre>"; print_r($accountinfo); echo "</pre>"; $f = fopen("working-draft.txt", "a"); $result = $dbxclient->uploadfile("/working-draft.txt", dbx\writemode::add(), $f); fclose($f); print_r($result); $foldermetadata = $dbxclient->getmetadatawithchildren("/"); print_r($foldermetadata); $f = fopen("working-draft.txt", "w+b"); $filemetadata = $dbxclient->getfile("/working-draft.txt", $f); fclose($f); echo "<br>file meta data:<br><pre>"; print_r($filemetadata); echo "</pre>"; ?>
to access full project please download from:
thank you,
it looks commented out code have redirected dropbox-auth-finish
. since you're never going there, you're never finishing auth process , never setting $_session['access-token']
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