django - Neo4Django - Cannot create node - StatusException thrown -
couldn't able solve it, or couldn't find related in mailing list.
class person(neomodels.nodemodel): name = neomodels.stringproperty("name") user_id = neomodels.stringproperty("userid") registered_at = neomodels.datetimeproperty("registered at")
from models import person p = person.objects.create(name="metin emenullahi", user_id="sdg'd;f", registered_at="05/01/2014");
statusexception: code [400]: bad request. bad request syntax or unsupported method. invalid data sent: javax.script.scriptexception: groovy.lang.missingmethodexception: no signature of method: groovy.lang.missingmethodexception.setmaxbuffersize() applicable argument types: () values: []
full traceback here
how can solve problem?
after hours of terrible problem solving process , agonizing nervous system, figured out why thing doesn't work:
it because of version compatibility between neo4django , neo4j. neo4django has been tested against 1.8.2-1.9.4 versions of neo4j, i'm using version 2.1.1. changed 1.8.3 (from version range abbove available on neo4j website), , worked charm.
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