nlp - NLTK jumping synset names - python -

from nltk wordnet api:

>>> nltk.corpus import wordnet wn >>> in wn.synsets('discover'): ...     print i, i.offset ...  synset('detect.v.01') 2154508 synset('learn.v.02') 598954 synset('discover.v.03') 1637982 synset('discover.v.04') 721437 synset('fall_upon.v.01') 2286687 synset('unwrap.v.02') 933821 synset('discover.v.07') 2128066 synset('identify.v.05') 652346  >>> wn.synset('discover.v.8') synset('identify.v.05') 

from index.verb file wn3.0, have:

discover v 8 6 @ ~ * > $ + 8 7 02154508 00598954 01637982 00721437 02286687 00933821 02128066 00652346  

i have checked wordnet api ( there isn't how mapping discover.v.8 identify.v.5.

can explain how did mapping occur?

how can extract list of these mapping?

i'm not sure question intends. seems not understanding why discover linked identify right? happens wordnet synset "synonym set", many words listed single synset.

if check wordnet through browser (wnb) or through online version see list of synsets have "discover" list of synsets wordnet have word discover on them. reason, internally, nltk describes synset first word appearing on synset list of related words.

in other words, synset('discover.v.8') same synset synset('identify.v.05'), seen different perspectives. 8th sense discovery verb 5th sense identify verb. internally both use same s-id, related.

a list of these mappings list of synset ids related word.


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