angularjs - Nested ng-Grids? -
can make nested ng-grid. this, possible. here's plunker:
i have tried doing using , templateurl.
any suggestions, modifications plunker or links ?
yep, might working, although doesn't make sense.
first of have supply data parent grid @ least 1 row rendered.
then have tell parent grid rowheight default 30px.
don't apply grids class celltemplate.
$scope.gridoptions = { data: 'facdata', rowheight: '90', columndefs: [{ field: 'examname', displayname: 'exam name', celltemplate: '<div ng-grid="gridoptions1" ng-bind="row.getproperty(col.field)"></div>' }] };
here plunker
as can see there 2 rows vaguely guessed height , 2 identical child grids scrollbars.
what don't understand how want have different data childgrids.
please explain more want achieve.
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