ecmascript 6 - Polymer: Gulp build transpile + bundle -

i'm struggling working custom build polymer using gulp. goal polymer 1 project written in es6 transpiled & bundled. followed guide

the transpilation works single files, bundled js code untranspiled (as written in es6). here gulp task :

function build() {   return new promise((resolve, reject) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars     // okay, first thing clear build directory     console.log(`deleting ${builddirectory} directory...`);     del([builddirectory])       .then(() => {         // okay, let's source files         let sourcesstream = polymerproject.sources()           // here's how splithtml & gulpif work           .pipe(polymerproject.splithtml())           // transpile           .pipe($.sourcemaps.init())           .pipe($.if('*.js', $.babel({             presets: ['es2015']           })))           .pipe($.sourcemaps.write())           // oh, want minify stuff? go it!           .pipe(gulpif(/\.js$/, uglify()))           .pipe(gulpif(/\.html$/, htmlminifier()))           .pipe(gulpif(/\.(png|gif|jpg|svg)$/, imagemin()))           .pipe(polymerproject.rejoinhtml());          // okay, let's same dependencies         let dependenciesstream = polymerproject.dependencies()           // .pipe(polymerproject.bundler)           .pipe(polymerproject.splithtml())           .pipe(gulpif(/\.js$/, uglify()))           .pipe(gulpif(/\.html$/, htmlminifier()))           .pipe(polymerproject.rejoinhtml());          // okay, let's merge them single build stream         let buildstream = mergestream(sourcesstream, dependenciesstream)           .once('data', () => {             console.log('analyzing build dependencies...');           });          // #problem# -> included sources won't transpiled         buildstream = buildstream.pipe(polymerproject.bundler);          // okay, time pipe build directory         buildstream = buildstream.pipe(gulp.dest(builddirectory));          // waitfor buildstream complete         return waitfor(buildstream);       })       .then(() => {         // okay, let's generate service worker         console.log('generating service worker...');         return polymerbuild.addserviceworker({           project: polymerproject,           buildroot: builddirectory,           bundled: true,           swprecacheconfig: swprecacheconfig         });       })       .then(() => {         // did it!         console.log('build complete!');         resolve();       });   }); }  gulp.task('build', build); 

thank help.


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