django - Isn't foreign key to contenttype sufficient? -
in django, have contenttype model. consider have models a, b , c.
class a(models.model): field1 = models.booleanfield(default=true) c = models.onetoonefield(myapp.c) class b(models.model): field2 = models.charfield() class c(models.model): limits = models.q(app_label=u'students', model=u'a') | \ models.q(app_label=u'myapp', model=u'b') content_type = models.foreignkey(contenttype, limit_choices_to=limits)
now if have object of c c1 content_type a, can access c1.a
or c1.a.field1
if there exist object of refers c1.
so, why need genericforeignkey
if can access a
through c1
also if call, c2.b.field2 if c2 object of c content_type b?
as commented knbk, should choose between onetoonefield c , genericforeignkey on c. having both redundant. generic relation can used in model , b enable reverse querying.
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