r - Custom Function on Multiple Variables -

i calculating average after centering variable. centering implies subtracting mean of variable original variable. using dplyr package. able 1 variable via mutate() function. how can same multiple variables using mutate?

set.seed(1)      # reproducible example train <- data.frame(x1=sample(1:100,100),                  x2=1e6*sample(1:100,100),                  x3=1e-6*sample(1:100,100))  library(dplyr) train %>%  mutate(center = x1-mean(x1)) %>%    summarise(round(mean(center),4)) 

hope looking : (add na.rm = true required inside mean()

library(dplyr) train %>% summarise_all(function(x) mean(x - mean(x))) #  x1 x2            x3 #   0  0 -3.251647e-21 


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