regex - Merging mutiple log files by timestamp in 2nd column -

i have multiple logfiles same day . want merge them in single 1 based on timestamp in logs using perl script.


2014-06-02 21:54:38,805 info  com.homemaneger [executor:thread-19]: myinfo started myid=test-401406 2014-06-02 21:56:27,358 info  com.homemaneger [executor:thread-13]: homemaneger: populatemyinfo completed id = test-401406,   2014-06-02 21:59:32,358 info  com.homemaneger [executor:thread-17]: myinfo completed myid=test-401405 


2014-06-02 21:56:27,295 info  com.homemaneger.mycommand [proxy:proxyservice:tcpworker:2]:     mycommand::processing reqest[ab:myinfo] obj(collection [id={005a004a5b0f9}, ] ) client(poffbobj [id={xxxxxx-e8f5-11d5-yyy-0002b33d9d0c}, meta={}, fields=[xxx]] ) 2014-06-02 21:58:27,310 info  com.homemaneger.updatemyinfotask 

merged log:

2014-06-02 21:54:38,805 info  com.homemaneger [executor:thread-19]: myinfo started myid=test-401406 2014-06-02 21:56:27,295 info  com.homemaneger.mycommand [proxy:proxyservice:tcpworker:2]: mycommand::processing reqest[ab:myinfo] obj(collection[id={005a004a5b0f9}, ] ) client(poffbobj [id={xxxxxx-e8f5-11d5-yyy-0002b33d9d0c}, meta={}, fields=[xxx]] ) 2014-06-02 21:56:27,358 info  com.homemaneger [executor:thread-13]: homemaneger: populatemyinfo completed id = test-401406,   2014-06-02 21:56:32,358 info  com.homemaneger [executor:thread-17]: myinfo completed myid=test-401405     2014-06-02 21:58:27,310 info  com.homemaneger.updatemyinfotask 

i new perl ,any appreciated.

the following script can process number of log files , output merged log file.

it load them memory size factor:

#!/usr/bin/perl  use warnings; use strict;  die "usage: perl $0 log1 log2 > merged.log\n" if !@argv;  @lines;  while (<>) {     if (/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/) {         push @lines, $_;     } else {         $lines[-1] .= $_;     } }  print sort @lines; 

if memory factor, you'll need official merge sort.

the following adapted perl merge sort march of year:

use strict; use warnings; use autodie;  die "usage: perl $0 log1 log2 > merged.log\n" if !@argv;  # initialize file handles @fhs = map {open $fh, '<', $_; $fh} @argv;  # first line of each file @data = map {scalar <$_>} @fhs;  # loop while next line exists while (@data) {     # pull out next entry.     $index = (sort {$data[$a] cmp $data[$b]} (0..$#data))[0];      print $data[$index];      # fill in next data @ index.     while (defined($data[$index] = readline $fhs[$index])) {         last if $data[$index] =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/;         print $data[$index];     }      # end of file     if (! defined($data[$index]) {         splice @fhs, $index, 1;         splice @data, $index, 1;     } } 


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