angularjs - Unit-testing a directive with isolated scope, bidirectional value and ngIf -
i want unit test directive looks this:
angular.module('myapp', []) .directive('mytest', function () { return { restrict: 'e', scope: { message: '='}, replace: true, template: '<div ng-if="message"><p>{{message}}</p></div>', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { } }; });
here failing test:
describe('mytest directive:', function () { var scope, compile, validhtml; validhtml = '<my-test message="message"></my-test>'; beforeeach(module('myapp')); beforeeach(inject(function($compile, $rootscope){ scope = $rootscope.$new(); compile = $compile; })); function create() { var elem, compiledelem; elem = angular.element(validhtml); compiledelem = compile(elem)(scope); scope.$digest(); return compiledelem; } it('should have scope on root element', function () { scope.message = 'not empty'; var el = create(); console.log(el.text()); expect(el.text()).tobedefined(); expect(el.text()).not.tobe(''); }); });
can spot why it's failing?
the corresponding jsfiddle
thanks :)
console.log((new xmlserializer()).serializetostring(el.get(0)));
<!-- ngif: message -->
because using replace without parent element in validhtml combinaison of ng-if .so either change validhtml , add div parent.
test expectations on next sibling of el
which be
<div ng-if="message" message="message" class="ng-scope"><p class="ng-binding">yes</p></div>
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