java - Why does isSiteLocalAddress() behave differently on the same model device running the same Android version? -

i have 2 samsung galaxy siis on same network running same version of android (4.0.4). when method called ...

private string getipaddress() {     string ip = "something's wrong, of course!";     try {         enumeration<networkinterface> networkinterfaces =                  networkinterface.getnetworkinterfaces();         while ( networkinterfaces.hasmoreelements()) {             networkinterface ni = networkinterfaces.nextelement();             enumeration<inetaddress>inetaddresses =                     ni.getinetaddresses();             while (inetaddresses.hasmoreelements()) {                 inetaddress address = inetaddresses.nextelement();                  if (address.issitelocaladdress()) {                     ip = address.gethostaddress();                 }             }         }     } catch (socketexception se) {         se.printstacktrace();         ip = "some error occured; duck-dynasty!";     }     return ip; } 

on 1 device returns valid ip address. when call on same model device described above returns instantiated value; why?

i don't mean ask why method fail me on logical standpoint; obvious. mean, why 2 devices, described, return conflicting results? shouldn't one of network interfaces' address satisfy condition?


well, started returning valid ip after days of not acting right. i'd provide answer no clue of why happening. still interested in why if knows.


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