javascript - How to animate ag-grid container with ng-include? -
i using ng-include
dynamically load template in angular application. 1 of template has ag-grid.i using simple fade in fade out angular animation other templates animates ng-iclude
, other template has ag-grid. following simplified problem having.
the animation work if removed ag-grid
directive (<div ag-grid="gridoptions" class="ag-fresh" ></div>
) in template script.
how solve problem?
aggrid.initialiseaggridwithangular1(angular); var module = angular.module("example", ["aggrid", "nganimate"]); module.controller("examplectrl", function($scope) { var columndefs = [{headername: "make",field: "make"}, {headername: "model",field: "model"}, {headername: "price",field: "price"} ]; var rowdata = [{make: "toyota", model: "celica",price: 35000}, {make: "ford",model: "mondeo",price: 32000}, {make: "porsche",model: "boxter",price: 72000} ]; $scope.gridoptions = { columndefs: columndefs, rowdata: rowdata }; $scope.url = null; $scope.setdlg = function() { if (!$scope.url) $scope.url = 'test.html'; else $scope.url = null; } });
#wrap { width: 452px; height: 200px; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); background-color: red; padding: 25px; } .ag-fresh{ position: relative; height: 100%; }, .model { transition: 5000ms; /*transition-delay: 1000ms;*/ } .model { opacity: 0 !important; } .model { opacity: 1 !important; }
<head> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> </head> <body ng-app="example" ng-controller="examplectrl"> <button type="" ng-click="setdlg()">show dialog</button> <div ng-include="url" class="animatestartupscreen" style="overflow: hidden;"></div> <script type="text/ng-template" id="test.html"> <div id="wrap" class="model"> <div ag-grid="gridoptions" class="ag-fresh" ></div> </div> </script> </body>
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