php - Sending email with mail() -

i'm making kind of email sender class , have problems:

  • some email services russian don't understand encoding of message , show utf-8 mail in windows-1251 charset. gmail ok that.
  • all email services show text/html plain text.
  • multipart messages broken well.

also should note, i'm sending local server build on openserver using gmail smtp server.
opinion problem in kind of mybullshitcode or in smth covers content-type header.

theres code:

class _email {     protected $type;     protected $to;     protected $subject;     protected $plain;     protected $html;     protected $charset;     protected $headers = array(     'mime-version'  => '1.0',     // 'content-type'   => '',     // 'from'           => '',     // 'cc'         => '',     // 'bcc'            => '',     // 'reply-to'       => '',     // 'subject'        => '',     // 'return-path'    => ''     );      public function __construct($to, $subj, $datacharset, $sendcharset)     {         $this->to = self::hencode($to, $datacharset, $sendcharset);         $this->subject = self::hencode($subj, $datacharset, $sendcharset);         $this->headers['subject'] = $this->subject;         $this->datacharset = $datacharset;         $this->sendcharset = $sendcharset;     }     public function setheader($el, $val)     {         $this->headers[$el] = $val;     }     public function setplain($message)     {         $this->plain = iconv($this->datacharset, $this->sendcharset, $message);     }     public function sethtml($message)     {         $this->html = iconv($this->datacharset, $this->sendcharset, $message);     }       /* static */     public static function send($to, $mail)     {         if ($mail->plain !== null && $mail->html !== null)         {             $r = sha1(uniqid());             $mail->headers['content-type'] = "multipart/alternative; boundary=$r";             $message = "--$r content-type: text/plain; charset=".$mail->sendcharset." content-transfer-encoding: 7bit  ".$mail->plain."  --$r content-type: text/html; charset=".$mail->sendcharset." content-transfer-encoding: 7bit  ".$mail->html."  --$r--";         } else if ($mail->html !== null) {             $mail->headers['content-type'] = 'text/html; charset='.$mail->sendcharset;             $message = $mail->html;         } else if ($mail->plain !== null) {             $mail->headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain; charset='.$mail->sendcharset;             $message = $mail->plain;         } else {             return false;         }         $headers = '';         $mail->to = $mail->to." <$to>";         $mail->headers['x-mailer'] = 'php/'.phpversion().' - blabla '.core::build_info();         foreach ($mail->headers $key=>$val)         {             $headers .= $key.': '.$val.'\r\n';         }         return mail($to, $mail->subject, $message, $headers);     }      private static function hencode($str, $data_charset, $send_charset=false)     {         if ($send_charset && $data_charset != $send_charset)         {             $str = iconv($data_charset, $send_charset, $str);         } else {             $send_charset = $data_charset;         }         return '=?'.$send_charset.'?b?'.base64_encode($str).'?=';     } } 

i tried make subj , to headers in base64_encode - seems hopeless.

all kind of appreciated!

upd: quoted-printable variant

    public function setplain($message)     {         $this->plain = quoted_printable_encode(iconv($this->datacharset, $this->sendcharset, $message));     }     public function sethtml($message)     {         $this->html = quoted_printable_encode(iconv($this->datacharset, $this->sendcharset, $message));     }              $message = "--$r content-type: text/plain; charset=".$mail->sendcharset." content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable  ".$mail->plain."  --$r content-type: text/html; charset=".$mail->sendcharset." content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable  ".$mail->html."  --$r--"; 

upd2: using phpmailer... gmail email subject cyrillic chars in end.

here subject. Это заголовок!

the body acceptable:

this html message body in bold!. Такое сообщение!


$mail = new _email; $mail->from = ''; $mail->fromname = 'ss133d administration'; $mail->addaddress($email, $login); $mail->addreplyto('', 'ss133d administration'); $mail->ishtml(true);  $mail->subject = 'here subject. Это заголовок!'; $mail->body    = 'this html message body <b>in bold!</b>. Такое <b>сообщение</b>!'; $mail->altbody = 'this body in plain text non-html mail clients. А это без html!'; 

so maybe need use iconv? theres subj conversion utf-8 windows-1252...

have thought of using phpmailer here

it requires use email , email password in config values. secure , information wont released thats option use.


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