MVC, Swing and exception in Java -

i'm developing game in java , i'm using mvc design pattern , swing gui. model, view , controller communicate between them observer/observable design pattern. in controller , in view must throw exception when player wants illegal action in game. example, if player wants buy in game has 0 coins, in view throw exception. there way show jdialog when exception throw show player can't action? can view catch exception of controller , of view?

maybe misunderstood question don't why throw exception in view. doesn't make sense me.

// model ///////////////////

class player{  int coin count = 0  setcoincount(int number){ // }  getcoincount() { // } } 

// controller ///////////////////

class cont{  model m; view v;  cont(model m, view v){ // code.. }  int checkbalance(){  return m.getbalance();  // balance model // sends view }  } 

// view ///////////////////

class view{  cont c;  // when player click buy button ..... butonclick event handle.. (){  c.checkbalance();  // if balance 0 throw exception  } 


// main method ///////////////////

class mian{   psvm(string args[]){  // model , view doesn't know each other  model m = new model()  view v = new view()  controller c = new controller (m , v )  v.setvisible true   }     } 


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