c# - Roundoff Timespan to 15 min interval -
i have property in code users can enter timespan in hh:mm
10:32 10:44 15:45
i want round off in property nearest 15mins dont have datetime here. need timespan
10:32 10:30 10:44 10:45 15:45 15:45 01:02 01:00 02:11 02:15 03:22 03:15 23:52 00:00
tried these solutions involve datetime in them
how can round time nearest x minutes?
is there simple function rounding datetime down nearest 30 minutes, in c#?
dotnet roundoff datetime last 15 minutes
i think want this:
public static class timespanextensions { public static timespan roundtonearestminutes(this timespan input, int minutes) { var totalminutes = (int)(input + new timespan(0, minutes/2, 0)).totalminutes; return new timespan(0, totalminutes - totalminutes % minutes, 0); } }
if pass in 15 chosen interval rounding, function first add 7 mins, round down nearest 15 mins. should give want.
because above written extension method, can use this:
var span1 = new timespan(0, 10, 37, 00).roundtonearestminutes(15); var span2 = new timespan(0, 10, 38, 00).roundtonearestminutes(15);
the first 1 becomes 10:30, , second 1 becomes 10:45 (as desired).
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