android - How to make my gameobject collide with walls? -

so im using code move around object, dont know how make collide walls. no matter gameobject goes through walls or if hits them bounce. sorry if simple new.

using system.collections;      using system.collections.generic;      using unityengine;      using unityengine.ui;       public class controller : monobehaviour {          private float dist;          private bool dragging = false;          private vector3 offset;          private transform todrag;          public text score;          public int counterofbeers;          public touch touch;          public bool lampa=false;          void awake(){              counterofbeers = 0;          }          void update() {              score.text= counterofbeers.tostring ();              vector3 v3;               if (input.touchcount != 1) {                  dragging = false;                   return;              }               touch = input.touches[0];              vector3 pos = touch.position;               if(touch.phase == touchphase.began) {                  raycasthit hit;                  ray ray = camera.main.screenpointtoray(pos);                   if(physics.raycast(ray, out hit) && (hit.collider.tag == "draggable"))                  {                      debug.log ("here");                      todrag = hit.transform;                      dist = hit.transform.position.z - camera.main.transform.position.z;                      v3 = new vector3(pos.x,dist);                      v3 = camera.main.screentoworldpoint(v3);                      offset = todrag.position - v3;                      dragging = true;                  }              }              if (dragging && touch.phase == touchphase.moved) {                  v3 = new vector3(input.mouseposition.x,dist);                  v3 = camera.main.screentoworldpoint(v3);                  todrag.position = v3 + offset;              }              if (dragging && (touch.phase == touchphase.ended || touch.phase == touchphase.canceled)) {                  dragging = false;              }           }          void ontriggerenter(collider other)    {              if (other.gameobject.comparetag ("pickup")) {                  destroy (other.gameobject);    counterofbeers++;              }              if(other.gameobject.comparetag("wall")){                  lampa=true;              }          }      } 


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