java - Is it bad practice to have boolean setters to see whether they executed succesfully? -
is bad practice write setters booleans check if set correctly?
for example, following code set whether frame on top , return true if set decided. bad practice this, or should leave no return type?
public boolean setalwaysontop(boolean alwaysontop) { frame.setalwaysontop(alwaysontop); return frame.isalwaysontop() == alwaysontop; }
bear in mind in example have getter when want check value when not attempting set it:
public boolean isalwaysontop() { return frame.isalwaysontop(); }
thanks in advance. if more information please feel free ask , provide it.
it's wondering if useful because
instead of using void this:
adding of additional conditions check api work not idea in general. frame.setalwaysontop must work. if don't trust api - cover unit tests. if tests fail should think work around solution - find working version of software, report bug or fix issue if have access code base.
such additional check can make sense if know existing problem , can not fixed now. in case raise custom exception setalwaysontop method (because know exceptional case), log error , perform sanity actions.
public void setalwaysontop(boolean alwaysontop) throws uimodificationexcepion { frame.setalwaysontop(alwaysontop); // due existing bug ... not updated cases if (frame.isalwaysontop() != alwaysontop) { throw new uimodificationexception("unable change 'always on top' property"); } }
client code
try { setalwaysontop(true); } catch (exception e) { log.warn("could not update on top", e); // stuff }
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