css - Why does the button element allow vertical-align: middle? -

as far i've been able read, vertical-align: middle; css attribute works on elements display option set table-cell.

so why vertical-align accepted on button element? have missed something?

the reason question of cause want mimic button behaviour, avoid using structure:

<div style="display: table">     <div style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;">vertically aligned</div> </div> 

according css 2.1 specification, vertical-align property applies “ inline-level , 'table-cell' elements”, , inline-level elements “ inline-level elements elements of source document not form new blocks of content; content distributed in lines (e.g., emphasized pieces of text within paragraph, inline images, etc.). following values of 'display' property make element inline-level: 'inline', 'inline-table', , 'inline-block'.”

the button element has display: inline-block in default style sheet html 4, , corresponds browser practice.

thus, vertical-align applies button elements.


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