Facebook email permission ios -

very confused - have made several apps login facebook - latest 1 doesn't work -

in apps have fbloginview in storyboard

then in viewdidload

self.facebooklogin.readpermissions =  @[@"public_profile", @"email", @"user_friends"];   [self.facebooklogin setdelegate:self]; 

along basic delegate methods - methods called correctly

however seems request public_profile , not else - like

2014-06-02 23:35:33.994 thecookpot[3997:60b] profile { "first_name" = karen; gender = female; id = 1397217637233431; "last_name" = shepardstein; link = "https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/1397217637233431/"; locale = "en_gb"; "middle_name" = amhcefbdegja; name = "karen amhcefbdegja shepardstein"; timezone = 1; "updated_time" = "2014-06-02t22:34:00+0000"; verified = 0; 


unlike other apps email address

any ideas?? have set apps identically in facebook , configured same in plist

i guess you're using graph api v2.0, , app registered after april 30th 2014. then, if want use more basic_profile permission, need app reviewed facebook.

have here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review/login description of process.


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