image - Convert RGB to HSV -
i want convert rgb values hsv values . if devide 9 28, octave calculate 0. can explain me reason??
function [hsv] = rgbtohsv() im = imread('picture.png'); r = im(:,:,1); g = im(:,:,2); b = im(:,:,3); len = length(r); % r, g, b should have same length = 1:len max = max([r(i),g(i),b(i)]); min = min([r(i),g(i),b(i)]); s = 0; if max == min h = 0; elseif max == r(i) disp(g(i) - b(i)); % 9 disp(max - min); % 28 h = 0.6 * ( 0 + ( (g(i) - b(i)) / max - min) ); % 0 disp(h) % why 0 if try calculate ( 0 + ( (g(i) - b(i)) / max - min)? .... end return; end endfunction rgbtohsv()
chris :d
you must cast image double
im = double(imread('picture.png'));
this solve issues happens since image type uint8
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