google bigquery - SQL Count the distinct values that accomplish two condition for a single row -
hello i'm using google bigquerry , i'm trying table total number of distinct values accomplish 2 values row. let's explain it:
i have table like:
userid | platform 123 | ios 123 | android 123 | other 124 | android 124 | ios 125 | android 125 | other 126 | other
i want total number of users (distinct userid) have platform ios , android, both platforms not per separate. result should 2 in case.
i tried with:
select count(distinct a.grupo1) mytable b join each (select userid grupo1 mytable platform = 'ios' group grupo1) on a.grupo1=b.userid
doesn't work :(
i don't know bigquerry, since tagged question sql assume sql work.
select count(distinct userid) ( select userid mytable platform in ('ios', 'android') group userid having count(distinct platform) = 2 )
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