sparql - Using semantic ontologies to convert a Relational Database to RDF -

i have been lately trying describe given rdb(relational database) specific semantic ontologies, using virtuoso. ontologies want use are: dc,foaf,dct,bibo,cito(i new didnt quite understand if dc , dct same thing).
have been following tutorial on how this:
problem in tutorial classes created 0 while need use existing ones. unfortunately not allowed post links of ontologies too.
in particular want describe:

an "author" table(a published paper author) has following columns:

authorid, authorname, authormiddlename, authorsurname, authorurl, authoremail, department

a "keywords" table(publication's keywords) columns:

publicationid, keyword(type of string), keywordorder(type of integer),

a "publications" table columns:

publicationid, publicationtitle, mediatype(type of string), publicationtype(integer), mediatitle, mediapublisher, mediaeditors, mediavolinfo, publicationyear, publicationnoofpages, publicationpagesinmedium, publicationfilename, publicationcomments, publicationrelatedurl, publicationrelatedurltext, publicationlocation, publicationpuburl, displayonmlkd(type of integer), displayoniskp(type of integer), displayonweb(type of integer)

a "references" table (publication's references) columns:

refid, refpaperid, refdetails, refyear

a "rights" table (publication's rights) columns:

publicationid, authorid, authororder

i tried doing of work think might have problems.
example, trying express "publications" table , in file have following:

@prefix dc:      <> . @prefix db:      <> . @prefix foaf:    <> . @prefix cito:    <> . @prefix rdfs:    <> . @prefix dct:     <> . @prefix bibo:    <> . @prefix owl:     <> . @prefix xsd:     <> . @prefix map:     <> . @prefix rdf:     <> . @prefix vocab:   <http://localhost:2020/vocab/resource/> . @prefix atr: <http://localhost:8890/rdfv_pt/schemas/authors#> . @prefix kwrd: <http://localhost:8890/rdfv_pt/schemas/keywords#> . @prefix pub: <http://localhost:8890/rdfv_pt/schemas/publications#> . @prefix ref: <http://localhost:8890/rdfv_pt/schemas/references#> . @prefix rig: http://localhost:8890/rdfv_pt/schemas/rights#> .  pub:publication rdfs:class  rdfs:label "publication" ; rdfs:comment "publication class" .  pub:publicationid dc:identifier .  pub:publicationtitle dc:title .  pub:mediatype rdf:property ; rdfs:domain pub:publication; rdfs:range xsd:string ; rdfs:label "media type" . 

question 1:

so fragment question here how express "publication" class of existing ontology? can see above defining 0 class "publication".

question 2(more important):

as can see in tutorial, somehow tables imported in virtuoso tool mapped specific url. however, wasn't able find url each table imported virtuoso , put placeholder urls (these localhost urls). how can find out url each of tables imported virtuoso?

ps. information @ extremely useful, thank you.

pps. first post please excuse formatting if it's wrong.

i think issues start following rather old whitepaper guide, rather the more recent documentation. encourage follow on latter through channels above.


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